Kacdedja Dental Group, since 2010 offers the latest dental technology for dental restorations, guaranteeing speed and maximum quality. For bridges or porcelain zircon uses the CAD-CAM technique, through braking technology that delivers high levels of accuracy and fantastic results.
Kacdedja Dental Group, since 2010 offers the latest dental technology for dental restorations, guaranteeing speed and maximum quality. For bridges or porcelain zircon uses the CAD-CAM technique, through braking technology that delivers high levels of accuracy and fantastic results.
TruPrint 1000
The TruPrint 1000 is used to produce metal structures digitally.
Our laboratory uses products such as : Initial® LiSi, IPS Empress® CAD or DD cubeX².
Through advanced techniques we offer : zirconium & porcelain corona, bruxism apparatures etc.
Precision level and fantastic results
Teknika press, e kombinuar me ate CAD-CAM, japin rezultate me nivelin me te larte te estetikes. Nder keto punime mund te permendim: fasetat onlay, inlay, koronat, fasetat e porcelanit dhe urat.
Precision level and fantastic results
Teknika press, e kombinuar me ate CAD-CAM, japin rezultate me nivelin me te larte te estetikes. Nder keto punime mund te permendim: fasetat onlay, inlay, koronat, fasetat e porcelanit dhe urat.
Fixed Prosthetics
CAD CAM SYSTEM restorations are carried out such as: skeletal work, individual implant design, etc. We also work with combined techniques such as porcelain corona & bridges combined with telescopic corona. For bridges or sheets porcelain zinc is used cad-cam technique, for a better connection of the bridge body to the porcelain as well as good adaptation of the bridge for maximum aesthetic levels.
CAD CAM SYSTEM restorations are carried out such as: skeletal work, individual implant design, etc. We also work with combined techniques such as porcelain corona & bridges combined with telescopic corona. For bridges or sheets porcelain zinc is used cad-cam technique, for a better connection of the bridge body to the porcelain as well as good adaptation of the bridge for maximum aesthetic levels.